Kentucky fourth-grade student writes letter seeking change for her teachers

Published 6:22 am Sunday, January 16, 2022

A fourth-grade Kentucky student at a Winchester elementary school, ZoeyAnn Thorpe wrote a letter to her school’s principal Ruthann Sharrock seeking to change the teachers’ dress policy during the winter months.

Thorpe penned a persuasive argument that said teachers should wear warm clothes and be comfortable.

Dear Principal Sharrock,

I know you’re in charge of the school and make lots of big decisions. Can you please allow teachers to wear blue jeans during the winter months?

Here’s my reasons!

Teachers have to bend down and sit on the floor a lot. Their jobs would be easier if they could wear comfortable pants. They could really use it since most aren’t so flexible anymore.

Another reason why they should wear blue jeans in the winter is because it’s so cold outside and teachers have car duty. Shouldn’t they be wearing warm pants in the cold?

A last reason why teachers should wear jeans in the winter is that teachers can still look serious and nice in blue jeans. A pearl necklace can dress up any outfit. The male teachers like Mr. Holiday should make sure their face is clean since they don’t wear a pearl necklace. Am I right?

Please give this note a chance! That’s all my reasons and plus my mom is in a better mood when she wears comfy clothes.

ZoeyAnn Thorpe, a fourth-grade student at Strode Station Elementary School 

P.S. – While we are at it, can kids also wear pajamas one day a month?

After reading Thorpe’s letter, the Winchester Sun reached out to Clark County Schools for a statement about Strode Station’s dress policy.

Clark County Public Schools Superintendent Molly McComas said the school system stresses a professional culture where teachers work where dress attire sets a standard not only among peers but for students who are learning what clothes are acceptable in the classroom and eventually, the workplace.

“We want CCPS to be a great place to learn and work,” McComas said. “Professional dress is important; however, leaders have flexibility with attire to support the culture they want for their individual schools. Jeans, specifically, can be a culture-building experience at certain times when a leader sees fit.  Professional dress in the school setting though sets the tone for respect of our profession, our students, and our families.”